
02/03/2010 Georgian Water and Power opens new service center

The Georgian Water and Power Company has completed new service centers’ improvement and equipping in Isani-Samgori and Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi districts in order to ameliorate customer relations. 

Head of the Isani-Samgori administration Temur Grigalashvili visited the new service center today. Joerg Matthies, general director of Georgian Water and Power Company opened officially the service center. 
The service center near Varketili metro station in #7 Kalaubani street is comfortable and easily accessible for the customers. There are provided all conditions for the customers to timely get services according to the international standards. The service center provides services to about 109 000 customers, including population, regional organizations and commercial units.  

The above is also true of the new service center in Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi district, in #6 Chanturia street on the territory adjacent to the Alexandre Park, which will provide service to about 46 000 customers.
Customers can apply to the GWP service centers and receive information not only about the entire district, but about the water supply and sewage system of their streets; they can leave information about the faults; join new program of debt restructuring being jointly carried out by GWP and Tbilisi City Hall and enjoy the defined benefits. The population will be able to adjust number of family members stated in the bills and undergo procedures related to the registration as customers.

GWP plans to gradually update all districts’ service centers. New office of Vake-Saburtalo will be opened in near future. 

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