
11/03/2010 Tbilisi Mayor and General Director of GWP Visited Rehabilitation Works Going on in the Capital

Today Joerg Matthies, General Director of Georgian Water and Power and Gigi Ugulava, Tbilisi Mayor visited Niko Mari Street in Nadzaladevi district for the purpose of inspection of the progress of rehabilitation works going on the water supply and drainage networks of the capital.

Niko Mari is one of those streets where obsolete netwoks are being replaced. The total length of the network is 3525 m and the diameter is within 25-700 mm.

According to the plan for development of the city the grand project – “Capital Repair and Rehabilitation of the Communications of Tbilisi Streets” is being carried out throughout the city. Within the framework of the project Georgian Water and Power carries out rehabilitation works of undergroung communications in more than 80 streets of Tbilisi. The company rehabilitates all diameter water supply and drainage system networks. The total length of the network is 70 km. Georgian Water and Power invests more than GEL 10 million for the rehabilitation of the network.

The indicated rehabilitation works started from January 2010 and it is scheduled to complete them by the end of the first quarter.

As a result of rehabilitation of the underground communications it will be possible to reduce water losses in water supply networks, save energy and decrese the number of failures in the network and it will enable us to provide better service to Tbilisi population.

Simultaneously Georgian Water and Power is carrying out replacement and rehabilitation works of all underground communications from Heros’ Square to Tamarashvili Avenue in connection with the construction of express way in the capital.


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