
26/08/2016 26/08/2016 Georgian Water and Power Company makes weekly report to the population

Georgian Water and Power Company completed the construction of new hydropower plant of Saguramo HPP. The preparatory work is underway to commission the power plant. High voltage electrical works are still going on.

GWP has continued rehabilitation works in different districts of Tbilisi during this week:

Water supply network rehabilitation started near the block of flat 5 of II micro district of Varketili 3 – a section of 110 meters of an old network is to be replaced by a new one.

Technical works reached active stage to ensure stable water supply and arrange new network in Meprinveleoba street of Lilo settlement in the same district. 

The Company will arrange new water supply network of about 550 meters length in the above-mentioned settlement.

Rehabilitation works started in 2nd lane of Kindzmarauli, upper Metallurgy  street of Samgori district. 1000-meter section of an old water supply network will be replaced by a new one.

Rehabilitation of water supply network is underway on the 360th kilometer in Africa settlement – a 900-meter section will be replaced by a new one.

The water supply network rehabilitation works are in active phase in Bukistsikhe street of Isani district – a section of about 1000 meters will be replaced.

The works started to arrange a new water supply network of 1100 meters from Zahesi settlement in the direction of Saburtalo in Military Road of Georgia.  

Georgian Water and Power Company will perform rehabilitation works in 140 streets of Tbilisi during 2016 and replace more than 100 kilometers of the network.


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24/11/2023 Საოპერაციო ცენტრები წყალმომარაგების სერვისების მართვის ევროპული მოდელია - ხოსე მიგელ სანტოსი, gwp-ის გენერალური დირექტორი

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