
09/07/2013 Memorandum of cooperation signed between GWP and State University

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Georgian Water and and Power Company and Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi today. Official representatives of the Company and the University attended the signing ceremony along with number of guests. Signatories to the memorandum CEO of Georgian Water and and Power Alexei Kuznetsov and acting rector of Ivane Javakhishvili State University Alexandre Kvitashvili agreed on training of students of the bachelor degree course, master’s degree course and doctoral programme at the company.

Joint educational projects will be developed within the framework of the memorandum and what is very important - an EU ChemLab project will be implemented in Georgia, along with introducing certificate courses and professional educational programms thereto. Specialists of the corresponding profile will be trained based on bilateral interests. They will partake in various trainings, certificate courses and practical studies at the Company’s laboratories.

As the Company’s CEO Alexei Kuznetsov pointed out the memorandum’s execution is equally important for both parties. Carrying out the decisions stipulated by the document will help to attract the students and get them interested which will be beneficial for them in the future as they become specialists. Georgian Water and and Power will help the University students under the memorandum to develop proper practical skills and support their involvement in the daily activity of the Company. According to him the memorandum provides for the best students employment by the Company in the future. Georgian Water and and Power has executed memorandums on cooperation with other higher education institutions as well. The company employed this year 12 students from Technical University of Georgia to partake in the Summer Employment Program.

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