
13/02/2014 Crisis Management Headquarters have started to work at Georgian Water and Power

Crisis Management Headquarters have started work round the clock operation. It will respond immediately to emergencies as a result of the severe winter. Today the conference has been held at the company in connection with operation of the emergency structural unit. Future plans and goals have been discussed in details at the conference by Besik Vashakashvili Deputy General Director, Nikoloz Bakhtadze Administrative Director and Omar Gotsiridze Deputy Technical Director.

According to Besik Vashakashvili Deputy General Director critical situation has been at the company in water supply direction and the company must find a way out of the crisis. “In the current year due to severe winter there have been certain problems in the water supply. Apparently it is not normal when water supply depends on the temperature, but there exist subjective, as well as objective reasons for that” – said Besik Vashakashvili. According to him setting up the headquarters is a temporary measure and it will coordinate and monitor – immediately respond to emergency breakdowns in the water supply networks in different districts of Tbilisi as a result of severe winter.

According to Nikoloz Bakhtadze Administrative Director of the company emergency breakdowns resulted from severe winter have been unexpected for the company. As for problems in water supply and why preventive measures were not taken, according to Bakhtadze,  in the process of privatization in 2008 there no existed any description or elementary data about the condition of the backbone networks. At present information is being collected and saved electronically. In a few months the electronic map will be available. 

Omar Gotsiridze Deputy Technical Director focused on the tasks which were in the process of implementation. He stated that immediate response for separate breakages round-the-clock is a simultaneous process of elimination, as well as developing an action plan, fixing a time limit for elimination the breakages and strict control on the performed works. What is most important the company Emergency crew is being reinforced with new crews and technical equipment. 

Crisis Management Headquarters has been staffed with leading specialists from different departments of the company. Board of Directors of the company will monitor it on a daily basis.

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