
21/02/2014 Soon Georgian Water and Power will provide 24 hour water supply to recently joined settlements.

Georgian Water and Power is continuing to work on 24 hour water supply of Tbilisi within new administrative boundaries. Under the project the company is simultaneously carrying out complex technical works in eight settlements which have been recently joined to Tbilisi.  

For the purpose of becoming familiar with works of 24 hour water supply being in progress in the joined settlements, today Alexey Kuznetsov GWP General Director and Irakli Shikhiashvili Chairman of  Legislative Assembly have visited Patara Lilo and they examined the current works.  

Patara Lilo is one of the recently joined settlements where for the purpose of 24 hour water supply, comprehensive technical works have been carried out since December 2013. In compliance with GWP project construction of 2 new drinking water reservoirs is being carried out. Total volume of which will be 1 500 cubic meters. In addition construction of a new pumping station has been has been started. It will be installed with 4 modern automatic pumping units will be equipped. Simultaneously construction of 6 930 m250 mm pressure pipes will be carried out. 4 150 m of this pipe has already been laid. Water distribution networks with total length of 5 400 meters will be laid in the village. The company has already completed 2 350 m distribution network.  In addition main wells and isolating valves will be arranged on the distribution lines. The current complex works will be completed in the middle of April. After putting into service, the problem of water supply for 1 300 people of Patara Lilo will be resolved and they will be supplied with 24 hour water supply.

Residents of Patara Lilo have been provided with water from partially and spontaneously arranged water supply systems. The small capacity old reservoir of the village has been out of service due to obsolescence and it has not been used for water supply of the population for a long time. 

To date similar situation has been in other settlements within new administrative boundaries of Tbilisi, such as Nasaguri, Tsinubani, Didi Lilo, Avchala-2, GiorgiTsminda, Mukhiani and Digomi.The company is carrying out complex technical works simultaneously and they will be completed in the middle of April. Georgian Water and Power will complete 24 hour water supply project within new administrative boundaries of Tbilisi at the end of 2014. That means that recently joined territories of the capital will have 24 hour water supply and not according the schedule. 

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