
30/04/2014 Georgian Water and Power Company Geared up for Spring Season

Georgian Water and Power company has been geared up for excessive rainfall and floods. Bad weather conditions are not likely to create any problems to the capital city’s water supply system.  To discuss this issue along with some others Giorgi Gachechiladze held his first press-conference today as a director general of the Company.

New director general focused on the Company’s technical readiness under the conditions of the expected bad weather conditions of the spring season. As  Giorgi Gachechiladze pointed out, despite complicated situations occurring several times during past 2 weeks the Company’s technical departments managed to act promptly and in a coordinated mode  so that to minimize the problem for the population of the capital. Therefore the residents of Tbilisi actually had no interruptions in water supply in that period.

As to the changes in the Company, Giorgi Gachechiladze says that replacement of the director general is connected to the Company’s moving to a new technological stage. According to him “Georgian Water and Power” proceeds to new stage of development which provides for the creation of geoinformational system of GIS.   The Company’s technical aspect will be entirely based on the geoinformational system, which is of critical importance for the public utilities distribution companies. The above-mentioned system will be introduced since September of the current year.

Transition to the new technological stage will accelerate the water supply networks rehabilitation process. The rehabilitation has been carried out continuously. The networks will be replaced on 70 streets of Tbilisi within 2014. When planning the process “Georgian Water and Power” tries to prioritize the streets with worse condition of pipes – the networks’ renewal is based right on this principle.     


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