10/10/2022 Special announcement from Georgian Water and Power
Today, on October 10, Georgian Water and Power is carrying out works to restore damage to the water supply network near building N9a of the 5th microdistrict of Nutsubidze.
Diagnostic works were being carried out intensively in order to determine the complex hidden damage on the mentioned section. The company's technical teams are mobilized to the site. Emergency restoration works on the damaged section of the network will start today, October 10, from 15:00.
In this regard, it is necessary to empty the main network of water, which is why water supply will be limited today, October 10, from 15:00 to 08:00 in the morning of October 11:
Vazha-Pshavela quarter V building 4, Nutsubidze I, II, IV, V micro-districts, Nutsubidze street N211, 221, 223, Zhgenti, Politkovskaya, Pkhakadze, painters, Dzotsi, Varazi, painters, Luchrelidze, Bandzeladze, Zarzemi, A. Tabidze, Kvemo Azhar, Kapaneli, Zaalishvili, Afkhaidze, Kvachadze, Bitsadze and Kedar streets. Shavgulidze Street N7, 7a, Mindeli Street N3, 5, Tkhinvala village.
Georgian Water and Power sends information about the restriction and restoration of water supply to subscribers in advance in the form of an SMS message. Detailed information can be found through the company's hotline - 2 93 11 11, Facebook and website - http://www.gwp.ge

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