
24/09/2012 Georgian Water and Power put in operation one more new reservoir of drinking water

Georgian Water and Power company has put in operation one more stand-by reservoir of drinking water. The newly constructed reservoir of  10 000 cubic meters capacity is located in Lilo. The works for the connection of this new facility to the operative network of water supply were done two weeks ago, while its preparation for maintenance and testing were completed last week. 

Construction of this facility which is important for Tbilisi water supply was started by Georgian Water and Power company in March and completed at the beginning of current year September.  In the process of construction the company used the newest approaches which made it possible to perform the works in the shortest possible time with the observance of international standards. The performed works maximally ensured the seismic stability of the reservoir. The company constructed the mentioned reservoir within the limits of the continuous water supply of Tbilisi project in order to create supplementary volumes of drinking water. For the same purpose Georgian Water and Power put in operation a month ago the newly rehabilitated stand-by reservoir of  7500 cubic meters capacity – Vazisubani I.  

After Lilo reservoir is put in operation water supply will be significantly improved for Lilo, Vaziani  military amd Saknavti settlements, Vaziani military unit, Lilo and Gamarjveba villages, Yumashev street, enterprises and facilities located in Lilo.

Besides Georgian Water and Power takes for continuous water supply of the said settlements and streets some technical measures in order to create supplementary resources of drinking water. By the end of the current year the company will gradually install in Lilo and its adjacent settlements the up-to-date pressure regulators and automated control boosting pumping units, which will regulate pressure in an automated mode, in accordance with changes in water consumption. By putting into operation new equipment the company will provide uninterrupted water supply for specific settlements and streets.

All complex technical measures taken by Georgian Water and Power are aimed at one objective – provision of continuous water supply for Tbilisi, which will be implemented in old administrative borders of the capital by the end of 2012.


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