
25/09/2012 GWP is gradually putting new pumping units in operation

Georgian Water and Power company continues taking complex measures within the limits of project of uninterrupted water supply of Tbilisi. For this purpose the Company is gradually  installing in different regions and districts of the capital 50  up-to-date pumping units and pressure regulators. By putting in operation new equipment the company provided uninterrupted supply of drinking water to 5330 customers (families) in different districts of Tbilisi.

There are several days now that Georgian Water and Power company has connected to the effective water supply network and put in operation small pumping station in I quarter of Cholokashvili street which was re-equipped with boosting pumping unit of automatic control.  It is the state-of -art pumping unit of European type which regulates pressure in the automated mode in accordance with the change of water consumption. By putting into operation the mentioned pumping station drinking water is supplied to 589 customers in a stable and uninterrupted way.

Besides in September the Company reconstructed and reequipped with the up-to-date boosting pumping units  of automatic control:
-  the pumping station in Temka 11 m/r, II quarter, as a result of which water is continuously supplied to 3500 customers;
- the pumping station in Iamanidze str. – 485 customers are continuously supplied water;
- the pumping station in Zugdidi str. – 117 customers are continuously supplied water;
- the pumping station in Kvareli str. – 270 customers are continuously supplied water;
- the pumping station in Mujirishvili str. – 369 customers are continuously supplied water;
The company is carrying out in parallel the construction of 12 new powerful pumping stations.

All the complex technical measures taken by GWP are aimed at providing continuous water supply of Tbilisi which will be ensured in old administrative borders of the capital city by the end of 2012.

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