
13/10/2009 GWP Conducted an Educational Tour for Students

On October 8 GWP conducted an educational tour for the interested young people to get familiar with the unique objects and activity of the company.

The route of the tour included visiting Zhinvali and Bodorna reservoirs, infiltration grounds, Natakhtari water supply system, central labs and Saguramo pumping station. 
The students of water supply and drainage faculty of Georgian Technical University, pupils of Georgian-American School and “Satnoeba” orphanage participated in the tour.

Chief specialist, Nikoloz Kakushadze, and professor, Guram Soselia, hosted the tour from the side of “Georgian Water and Power” LLC.

The Company representatives organized a quiz for the children. The quiz was related to the tour. Winners were awarded with books.

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24/11/2023 Საოპერაციო ცენტრები წყალმომარაგების სერვისების მართვის ევროპული მოდელია - ხოსე მიგელ სანტოსი, gwp-ის გენერალური დირექტორი

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